I’m not here to teach you anything. I’m here to help you hear your greater self.

From the moment we’re born, the barrage of programming begins. Some of it is vital, but much of it is not. In fact, much of that non-vital programming pours in from traditions, norms, trends, cultures, abuse & trauma, and little by little it strips us of our individuality. We can be invalidated & questioned just for being who we naturally are, innately…as the Universe intended.

As human beings, we are hardwired to survive above all else, and a lack of acceptance, especially in our formative years, can feel like a direct threat to that primary directive. So we default to strip away pieces of ourselves that threaten acceptance, devolving into a functioning shell, going through the prescribed motions built upon empty promises of happiness. As a result we can feel frozen, frustrated, and anxious & struggle to find a solution. But if we are following the programming – we should be happy, right? Nope, not even close. That’s not how we were meant to operate – we are too unique. Often for many women in and through their transition years is when our inner voice is awakening and wants to be heard. We literally begin a change in our brain and our bodies. Your solution starts & ends with you.

Which leads me to the real reason behind empowering women to step into who they are and show up confidently for their own dreams.

Either the programming jives with who you are innately or it doesn’t. We are highly unique individuals with a robust spectrum of wants, needs, likes, dislikes, paces, energy levels, physical features, processing methods, habits and communication styles, etc. If you’re doing anything that doesn’t align with your natural, innate energy & way of being, you will have to find a way to fake it till you make it with energy that is unnatural for you. Nobody should be expected to function that way. What’s the point of living a life that doesn’t resonate?

So we must do the work. The majority of us.

This includes tapping into your own intuition and abilities (yes, we all have them!), so that you can connect with the energy around you & dig deep down into those subconscious crevasses filled with discarded fragments of the self, find them, study them, and reintegrate them. As you continue to do this work, you will become reacquainted with who you are innately, which may be a completely different person who’s even more amazing than you ever imagined! Reprogramming/reintegration of self can be challenging, uncomfortable, and emotional work. It can make us feel vulnerable, and we may relive the trauma that caused us to initially reject pieces of ourselves. But the only way out is through & this is where tremendous healing happens, as we reclaim ourselves, our power & strength.

My work is not for everyone. You and I will step into a portal of self-actualization, responsibility and reintegration of YOU, your SELF.
Let’s work together if you are…
  • You are ready to take radical responsibility for yourself and all of your life’s circumstances
  • You are resolute in your commitment to challenge the status quo; magic may be included.
  • You are ready to do the Work and question what you Believe
  • You are ready to Be in coherence with your greatest Self and create the impossible
  • You are ready for transformation through the magic of seeking from beyond your senses.
Darcy Neumann Feminine Awakening retreats yoga nidra meditation healing 10

I work individually with each woman in unique ways. When we are seeking a shift/change an awakened energy begins to move within, we may feel vulnerable or intimidated by our own power. We will step into our deepest work together right here.

I intuitively and creatively tap into each womens unique way of healing by creating your personal time with me as unique as you are. I typically work in 3, 6 or 12 month timelines.

We may be …
On zoom
In Nature
On retreat locally or beyond
This is alchemy, friends & YOU are the practitioner. You’ve always had the power, it was just misplaced.
I am here to help you
locate it and support you on this incredible journey, so let’s get started.