an Earth Mandala
A process of transformation
Creating an Earth Mandala

I invite you to my first offering of creating a group transformational Earth Mandala. Creating a mandala is trusting your inner wisdom, a  powerful tool for change, healing, or to illustrate your personal spiritual journey.

Creating an Earth Mandala is a dynamic and personal process reflecting the transformation you are working to achieve. It is also a meditation, a pathway to your inner wisdom. Your Mandala is a map of your inner energy and through our practice together you will have a practice you can turn to at any time of change.

This experience will be partially done as a group and partially by yourself. I will create a group Mandala and you will create your personal mandala.

Once you register for this gathering I will contact you with details. This practice will be done mindfully and with deep intention which is the gateway to how powerful this practice can be.

March 5th
@ theStudio | 14 ½ 8th St S; 2nd Floor | Fargo ND
1:00 – 3:00pm
Cost: $47
Please register early so I may prepare the group mandala with the energy you are wanting to transform.