Wild Soul Gatherings

A couple years ago I decided I was going to interview 100 women. I was particularly interested in hearing how they were experiencing their mid-life initiation – perimenopause to menopause.

These 100 conversations were so informing. First, many of the women could feel this inner force transforming them. They spoke of how they could recognize how their life was up to them and they were finally doing and being who they wanted to be, beyond society’s expectations. Some had done the work of releasing old emotional and physical toxins that had clogged up their lives. They had started and were in the midst of reclaiming their energy and vitality and desired to awaken their own inner healer.

I was on the struggle bus physically, emotionally and spiritually. I had come to this place where I wasn’t even sure who I was anymore. Many of the things I loved doing simply didn’t bring me joy anymore. I was definitely IN the initiation. While speaking to these 100 women I noticed how they were definitely experiencing some shift, but many, not all, wouldn’t allow themselves to really feel, hear or touch the unhealed part of themselves. I sensed a longing or even a subtle need for permission to be and share this part of themselves.

As women have become busier in their careers, raising children in multiple activities more and more unpleasant symptoms arise when they enter this stage of life. Their bodies are saying one thing, but societal pressures are begging for something else. Our emotions can be all over the place, they come out of nowhere and we quickly have learned to keep them insignificant.

Disease, even the enormous symptoms of perimenopause and menopause don’t appear out of nowhere. They are the final result of a process that has taken time to develop. They are quite literally, an imbalance in our system that is usually a result of years of neglecting our deeper selves.

Yes, our bodies are experiencing initiation and much is changing physically but so many women share a culturally supported belief that disease or the curse of symptoms in perimenopause is inevitable.

Shaming or guilting us is not the answer to help anyone change a thought or behavior. But support, community and not being alone in this time in our life can have a tremendous impact on our state of being.

So, I have created Wild Soul Gatherings! A place where I bring together women who are experiencing the transition of mid-life, seeking deeper relationships with themselves so they can navigate life with more freedom, less overwhelm and life on their own terms.

In this community you will meet other women in your shoes, you will have the opportunity to share your experiences and learn from others and create deep meaningful friendships. You won’t be going it alone.
I believe when we choose to take care of ourselves on a physically, emotionally, and spiritual level we begin to influence our BEINGNESS, we love and live with a fullness of heart, free of fear of what might be encoded into our DNA and experience a change or resolve of our inherited emotional patterns.

Wild Soul Gatherings is a membership private community. I am so delighted and excited to offer this opportunity. And, it feels really amazing to be excited in helping other women through this time in their life. I have so much to share and teach. I hope you will consider joining.

The doors will open February 1st – maybe before – and anyone who joins in February will receive a BONUS, my 5 Day Liberating Your Limitations Meditation sequence.

I look forward to meeting YOU.

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