You can’t empower yourself by suppressing yourself.

Logically, we all know this.

Yet every single medication (and even some of the ‘natural’ remedies) for peri-menopause are designed to do just this – suppress symptoms, suppress the enhanced communication between a woman’s body and her psyche, suppress the inner truths that growl and rage after decades of dormancy.

It makes sense, doesn’t it? That when the volcanic eruptions of ‘the change’ start to explode, we just want it to go away. And there are plenty of experts available to help you bind and gag your body’s intelligence and your soul’s voice.

The fluctuating hormones during our midlife transition in and of themselves do not, cause distressing emotional and psychological symptoms. 

However, if there is an underlying call to acknowledge our buried distress in the first place, there is no doubt that hormonal swings will help bring our unresolved or ignored issues to the surface.

What most women don’t know is that our brains literally change during perimenopause.  The brain is actually “fired up” like our body temperature from the hormonal changes.  The degree to which the buckets of blood, brain fog and relationship malaise affect us are dependent on how willing we are to make changes in our lives that our hormones are urging us to make.

Taking anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, headache medication and pain medication will not give you back to yourself. They only deepen the pattern of thinking that a woman’s happiness and wholeness are found through control and silence. Engaging in these practices only drives your inner wisdom deeper, more unreachable.

I work with women inside this most important transition.  But I need you to really listen to this next piece – my work isn’t about creating ‘balance’ or helping you ignore your body and life. I ONLY work with women who want perimenopause to be a time of radical, complete and permanent self-reclamation.

Clients who’ve gone through this work with me have told me they feel like they’re having their own marriage for the first time – rather than just acting out the patterns they saw in their mothers.

I’ve worked with other women who, rather than feeling shut down, become that volcano – they explode into new heights of creativity, empowerment and career advancement. They walk through their days in oneness with their body, knowing her as an absolute ally.

We will work deeply and intimately reading every sign your body is offering to guide you in personal transformation. I will be with you every step of the way.

Because….I have been there!

I sought support and through my own experiences, I know each women has the capacity to meet their body’s cyclic intuitive wisdom.

Putting our needs, wants and desires right in front of us and calling on our deepest self, is empowerment.

I invite you to reach out to me if you are ready Let’s have a free call and see if this is a good fit for you.

Let the fear of what is yet to come guide you to taking action. Shining a light on what needs to surface – is an opportunity for healing and growth.

For even more support, I would also encourage you to join my private Facebook group:  Embrace the Change 

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